Our Vision

To reflect Christ's love in our community and the world.

Our Mission

We exist to help people discover, know, and live God's truth and purpose as revealed in His Word.

Our History
We are a new church plant!

Early in 2024, Charles and Elaine Sanger began meeting with several families in homes which grew into an open Bible study on Sunday evenings. As former missionaries, they knew they were called to plant a new church that is welcoming to the growing community of Sanger.

By July of 2024, Sanger Bible Church opened its doors at the KOA center to handle the growing Bible study and to prepare for the first Sunday of public worship. 

With the support of people throughout the U.S. and within the community praying for this church, people are coming forward looking for a solid independent church that will extend open arms to the growing Sanger, TX community.

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Come Grow With Us!
As a new church, we are looking for people to worship with us, serve with us, and celebrate all that we see God doing in our community.
Contribute Start up Funds

Meet Our Team

A group of church advisors and a local steering committee is guiding the development of the church.  Over time, the church will develop additional leadership including elders and deacons.

Our Beliefs
  • We believe the Bible is inspired by God and is infallible and final in its authority.

  • We believe in one holy and personal God, Creator of the universe, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ is fully God and fully man. Born of a virgin, He lived a sinless life; He was put to death on the cross, after three days in the grave, He conquered death, after His resurrection He was seen by many, before visually ascending into heaven, where He now sits on the right hand of the Father interceding for the saints. He will one day return to earth and establish His kingdom on earth.

  • We believe the Holy Spirit regenerates, seals, indwells, and fills those who believe; the Holy Spirit assures us of His love, leads us in His truth, and forms us in His character. We believe the Holy Spirit equips and empowers us with His gifts to do His work and be His ambassadors.

  • We believe Satan and a host of fallen angels (demons) were created by God. Pride caused them to rise up against God and they were cast out of heaven. They now work in opposition against God. Ultimately, they will be cast into the Lake of Fire where they will remain for eternity.

  • We believe that God created man and woman with a free will to worship and serve Him. Adam and Eve's sin alienated the entire human race from God. Marriage is the union between one man and one woman. It is God’s design and will that sexual relations be practiced only within the boundary of marriage.

  • We believe that all mankind is totally depraved and on his own unwilling and unable to remedy his lost condition.

  • We believe that salvation is a gift of God accepted by faith alone. That we are incapable of saving ourselves apart from God’s grace alone. We believe that salvation results in a new nature that separates us from the world causing us to live lives fully committed to Jesus Christ.

  • We believe the church is the Body of Christ; it is made of all the saved for this age; its purpose is to worship God and equip the saints for works of service both within and outside the church.

  • We believe that Scripture interpreted in its natural literal sense reveals man had different responsibilities to God during different periods of time. They are called dispensations - these are not different ways of salvation which in all dispenstions has only been through grace alone, by faith alone. We believe that following this literal dispensation method of interpretation shows that God had a distinct program for Israel, and a separate and distinct program for the church.

  • We believe in Christ’s imminent return to gather the saved, both dead and alive. After seven years of great tribulation upon the earth, Christ will return with His church to establish His kingdom and reign 1,000 years upon the earth. At the end of that time all mankind will be judged, the save will be rewarded with eternal life, the unsaved with everlasting punishment. After which eternity future begins.

Sanger Bible Church's Statement of Faith is available to download by clicking below.

Statement of Faith